Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Tomorrow I will be interviewing the cultural anthropology professor at Cerritos College about the upcoming trip to Japan in the spring of 2014. I am really excited to get this interview because I have been very interested in joining the group and since it is open to anyone it will be a great way to get people involved. 

Professor Rigby has been all around the world and every day he has a story he hasn't told his class about an adventure he has been on in a different country. He calls himself the "Gentle Giant" and makes his students feel safe in even sometimes dangerous situations they might be in. 

He has been to countries like...

The Trobriand Islands

South Africa

Brazil & the Amazon 

Papa New Guine 


Those are just a few of possibly dozens of country's he has been in. I will be asking him questions of when, where, why, and how students can afford to travel abroad in the safest, friendliest, and cheapest environment. Ask for more information about his upcoming trip to Japan, and possibly the scariest situation he has been in while traveling and studying as a Cultural Anthropologist. 


Today we reviewed everyone's recordings and we heard some great reviews and some that perhaps needed a little more practice. Everyone did a great job overall and I felt a little better knowing I was not the only nervous nanny in the bunch. A felt like I had a bigger advantage over my peers because I chose to record everything in class. I was really embarrassed but because my recording was done with a nice recorder I had the clearest sounding voice. 

Although, my podcast was not the best. There were a lot of errors in it. For instance, I spoke too much in the beginning and introduced too much of what was going to be played rather than just letting it flow more. Professor Cameron liked that I gave a historical background of Stevie Ray Vaughn but perhaps it could have been broken up a little better with more music. Although I did have long intervals of music, it should have been edited better. 

With more practice and with my second chance to do an interview with Professor Rigby, I think I will rock it! I am very excited to see how my interview turns out with him. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


It is our job as multimedia journalists to report news through all kinds of venus. That includes writing, blogging, breaking news updates, interactive presentations, film shorts, and interview those experts on the subject matter of our focus. Professor Cameron gave us an assignment to interview and record an expert on any subject that has to do with Cerritos College. 

I decided to interview Professor Hirohama on the exciting new AA film Degree that is now offered at Cerritos. Although, Mr. Hirohama will not be available for the interview.  I was disappointed to here that. So, I need to find a new expert to interview! 

I have only a couple people I can think of to interview. But no students. I need to do some research. One possibility I do have to interview would be the Professor Anthropologist I discussed in Monday's blog. Professor Rigby. I may interview him about his trip to Japan next year and how to get some students involved in the trip! Maybe some traveler's guides tips for students on a budget but wanting to travel abroad. 

More on this to come! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


It has been a while since I have given any specific updates about Cerritos College and multimedia journalism updates. 
This is going to look like delicious scrambled eggs with toasted bread and a tall glass of orange juice. Are your ready? 


Did you know Cerritos College has an Anthropology club? Its true. We have a great professor leading all the meetings. His name is Professor Rigby. He is a renowned Cultural Anthropologist. He has traveled all over the world and comes from a family of Anthropology. This man knows his stuff. He gives great lectures and has a candy dish full of great stories and packs you with organized information giving detailed historic background of cultures, places, traditions, and explanations for society throughout the cultural world both Western and primitive. To put it bluntly, you will be missing out on a great semester if you don't take at least one of his classes. 

Great news! Professor Rigby will be taking a group of students to Japan next year. It is open to all who want to join with some exceptions (no minors or trouble makers). You don't have to be taking an anthropology class or be in the club, although an interest in the subject might enhance your experience. I doubt Rigby will be hitting the bars every night. 


I would personally like to applaud those of you who are going for a film major. Its not an easy field to break into and it requires drive and passion. 

A formal congratulations to Cerritos College film majors, now you get the chance to get your AA degree in Film. Just a simpler step forward to your dreams. 

It is true, the California Chancellors office approved the Cerritos College Film Degree. This is a major step for Cerritos College and for students all over Long Beach county. When local community colleges and even Cali State schools are getting major budget cuts and shutting down whole departments (like Long Beach City College shutting down their nursing program).

Cerritos College stays strong and treads though the tough times and even comes out on top with this new Film Degree offering. 
Its a beacon of hope that although times are hard it is not impossible to do what you love. 


You might ask yourself what this has to do with multimedia reporting, cerritos college, or the city itself? 

Well, it has a lot to do with all of them. First off, California has the largest population of Catholics than any state in the entire U.S. What does that mean for Cerritos College students? 
The demographics of Cerritos College are likely to amount to a large portion of Catholics attending the college. The new leader of their faith is being decided and contemplated in the Vatican Conclave just as I am typing these words. 

The fate of the religion hangs like a calm before a great storm that can bring either peace or destruction. There has been a lot of huss and fuss about St. Malachy's medieval prophecy. The ending of Pope Benedict XVI was the first resignation of any pope in over 600 years. The last pope to resign was Pope Gregory XII. He resigned to bring in a new pope and end the western Schism. This resignation was done in order to bring peace to an uproar. So, we can say this resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is the very first in all of Christianity. 

Today, is a major mark in history for all of us. Lets hope the conclave brings a man worthy to be a leader. 

For more updates and information discussed in this blog visit these great blogs and multimedia sites that gave me the information to feed you today. 

Our HTML projects are done and turned in. Today, we looked at all of our projects and found the pros and cons of each one. Mine, I don't think I did so great. I was a little in the dark with how to put everything together. Next time I will have a better understanding of how to work with the application DREAMWEAVER. I will put in my HTML project on "healthy places to eat at Cerritos College" and you can judge for yourself at my first shot in creating this sort of webpage. While trying to find more information on Pope Benedict XVI and his papacy I stumbled across a really great interactive HTML that was a perfect example to what Mr. Cameron was teaching us in class. 
Here is a link to that interactive. Enjoy.  Life of Pope Benedict XVI

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Yesterday our classes assignment was to create our first podcast. We had to write a review on a current movie, song, or artist. We learned how to use garageband and edit our reviews. 

To me, this was a really exciting project. I think of the great journalists like Edward R. Murrow who brought the news to American homes back in the 1940s through the 1960s and how influential his voice was. Words are a powerful thing but spoken words give emotion and a greater influence. Of course, my little review was very simple but it was great practice. I noticed a few things about myself while working on this assignment. 

  • I need to speak up
  • I need to have a more inviting voice
  • I need to believe in my words
  • I need to have a more smooth discussion with the listener

All these things take good practice and confidence. Something I will work on over time and to be honest, I don't think I did too bad! I wrote and discussed a review of Stevie Ray Vaughn. One of the greatest blues artists of all time. I discovered his music recently after giving my uncle one of his tribute albums for Christmas. 
I heard some of the music and had to buy another copy for myself. I fell in love with the album and with Stevie Ray. His music is amazing. I couldn't think of a better person to review. I narrowed down the songs I heard from him and picked one I felt gave the best of his gift of electric slide guitar, something he trademarked in the Blue's industry. 

The song is called Slide Thing. Its about 3 minutes long and he doesn't sing, just plays guitar. It is so great and because it is a live performance it makes the song magical. You almost think for 3 minutes that you are actually there watching him play. Then, when you realize you aren't, you wish you were. 

Now if you're a little curious to hear the song, click the video and listen! I definitely think it is worth 3:04 minutes of your time. 


Chapter 8 discusses what we did on tuesday but of course, in more depth. Podcasts are the more current forms of digital audio recording but there are many forms. Some key phrases to look for in chapter 8 are...
  • Uncompressed audio format
  • Compressed audio format
Which are simply different forms of audio formatting that are used in operating systems. These terms are not necessarily important to note and remember but if you are a journalist, especially a multimedia one, the terms might be used quite frequently. Its always good to know what you are talking about when trying to edit audio. It tends to make things a bit easier...
There are different types of what the book calls "bit depth" which determines the quality of your audio files and it differentiates the differences by calling them different terms. Thornburg uses a great analogy to explain the quality he is discussing. He says its like 

"dipping a teaspoon and a ladle into a pot of soup at the same amount. The teaspoon will get only a little bit but a ladle, dipped at the same level will carry a larger amount." 
(Producing Online News and Digital Skills by Ryan M. Thornburg Pg. 213) 

There are different kinds of microphones that are discussed in chapter 8. I wont go into too much detail because although the terminology is broken down, I think we can all agree we know what a microphone does and its purposes. The more expensive, the better quality. And of course it also depends on what kind of sounds you want to pick up. So basically, microphones are a huge asset to the audio world, for obvious reasons. 

Its comforting to know my first time on a microphone using podcast I was not the only person to get nervous about speaking into a microphone. Most people get nervous for the first time and if you are interviewing someone its always good to try and ease them into feeling comfortable speaking clearly into it. 

Digital Audio recording is a great outlet for Multimedia reporting and it is something I can be interested in. I feel that it all takes practice and reading chapter 8 in our books did help me give a better idea of what exactly I'm doing and how to do it. Although most of this can be self taught, and probably should be. Technology is always changing and always updating itself, so even though this book is quite recent, I'm sure there are even better upgrades to it that were made months, maybe even weeks after its release. So, always update yourself with the newest information and technology to better give yourself the upper hand as a journalist. Getting the news out there is the most important thing and the overall point of the subject. Digital audio is just a great way to do it. 

Want the latest news on Digital Audio? Take a look at these great blog sites. 

                            DIGITAL AUDIO BLOG

                            LEARN DIGITAL AUDIO

                            DIGITAL AUDIO INSIDER

                            DIGITAL AUDIO FOR GEEKS

                            ANTELOPE AUDIO

Monday, March 4, 2013

Multimedia Reporting at its best


Hi friends and classmates I wanted to share a great short article I read on the Los Angeles Times website. Bradly Manning exposing military secrets on wikiLeaks.
It is breaking news just reported this morning at 9:39am by Richard A. Serrano and you can follow political news from the Los Angeles Times @PoliticsNowLAT

This short article was a quick read that is packed with information that the reader needs. When you look on any online news source under the "breaking news" section almost all of those articles are going to have tid bits of information because they just got it. So, it wont have everything you may want to know right away but it will give you the information you are looking for. More to come on this article if you follow the LA Times regularly.

While reading this article I noticed key notes to reconginze.
  • Hashtags
  • Links
  • Sources
  • Date & Time
  • Twitter feed
  • Email the reporter
  • Short and to the point
All of these I learned in class and mostly in the book my class and I are required to read. It is a great book that is up to date and tells you what is currently going on in Multimedia Reporting.


Bradly Manning is a low-level intellegence analysis stationed in Bagdad when he leaked the information to WikiLeaks. In case some of you do not know what WikiLeaks is, it is a website detecated to giving people a safe way to bring classified information to their Journalists to expose the truth in government secrets. A webpage that should definitly be visited by young Journalists. A short cut to the webiste can be found by clicking HERE

UPDATE 3.4.13 
I apologize for the delay in posting this blog. Instead of deleted what I previously wrote I am going to add onto it. This is just a continuing example of Multimedia Journalism, this hot button issue is at the debate of the new year. Constant updates from Democracy Now! and the Los Angeles Times keep people informed about what is currently happening on a daily basis. 

Any news source around the country and perhaps the world will have information regarding Bradley Manning. To save the time an effort I suggest you use your local news source for information. If you would like to know more about Bradley Manning and his life up to today, he has a website dedicated to freeing him. Free Bradley Manning dot org 

According to the L.A Times Bradley Manning will be facing a 20 year sentence and a dishonorable discharge from the U.S Army. His defense team is trying to reduce the 10 additional charges being made against him for "aiding the enemy" and posing a potential threat to American lives. The U.S defense wants to give him a life sentence and will fight for Manning's imprisonment for life and a betrayer of the U.S Military. 

A great example of Multimedia Journalism: Have the readers interact with the news. They ask questions, post opinions, and perhaps shed light on things Journalists may not know yet. Want to find a way to get involved in the Bradley Manning debate??