Hi friends and classmates I wanted to share a great short article I read on the Los Angeles Times website. Bradly Manning exposing military secrets on wikiLeaks.
It is breaking news just reported this morning at 9:39am by Richard A. Serrano and you can follow political news from the Los Angeles Times
This short article was a quick read that is packed with information that the reader needs. When you look on any online news source under the "breaking news" section almost all of those articles are going to have tid bits of information because they just got it. So, it wont have everything you may want to know right away but it will give you the information you are looking for. More to come on this article if you follow the LA Times regularly.
While reading this article I noticed key notes to reconginze.
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Bradly Manning is a low-level intellegence analysis stationed in Bagdad when he leaked the information to WikiLeaks. In case some of you do not know what WikiLeaks is, it is a website detecated to giving people a safe way to bring classified information to their Journalists to expose the truth in government secrets. A webpage that should definitly be visited by young Journalists. A short cut to the webiste can be found by clicking HERE
UPDATE 3.4.13
I apologize for the delay in posting this blog. Instead of deleted what I previously wrote I am going to add onto it. This is just a continuing example of Multimedia Journalism, this hot button issue is at the debate of the new year. Constant updates from Democracy Now! and the Los Angeles Times keep people informed about what is currently happening on a daily basis.
Any news source around the country and perhaps the world will have information regarding Bradley Manning. To save the time an effort I suggest you use your local news source for information. If you would like to know more about Bradley Manning and his life up to today, he has a website dedicated to freeing him. Free Bradley Manning dot org
According to the L.A Times Bradley Manning will be facing a 20 year sentence and a dishonorable discharge from the U.S Army. His defense team is trying to reduce the 10 additional charges being made against him for "aiding the enemy" and posing a potential threat to American lives. The U.S defense wants to give him a life sentence and will fight for Manning's imprisonment for life and a betrayer of the U.S Military.
A great example of Multimedia Journalism: Have the readers interact with the news. They ask questions, post opinions, and perhaps shed light on things Journalists may not know yet. Want to find a way to get involved in the Bradley Manning debate??
- http://trending.latimes.com/
- Hashtag #bradleymanning
- Free Bradley Manning
- NPR News Blog
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