Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Animated Cartoon

How to make an xtranormal video and post it on youtube!

Anyone a film junky? Perhaps an aspiring director, screenwriter, producer, actor, everything that has to do with film? 

Xtranromal is a website that helps you create your own animated cartoon for fun. It does cost money, not too much but there are free options! 
This was one of our assignments in our Multimedia Journalism class at Cerritos College. 
Our assignment was to create an animated xtranormal video that had to do with something we were passionate about, with a funny twist. 

Xtranormal has lots of helpful ways to create an original story. There are lots of different backdrops to use, characters, voices, background music, themes. The list seems endless! The animated videos are not just cartoons, they are 3D and have so many different character options your video can be different from everyone else's. 

The type of video I wanted to use was very simple stick figures with a white paper background. 

Don't limit yourself to stick figures though! One video I saw about Super Bowl 47 was very funny. It was the winner of all the class videos. You can watch it here! 

I had to think about what I was passionate about. There are a lot of things in life that I am passionate about. My current passion is school and transferring to a university. So, I thought I would make my video about that in a funny way. 

Feel free to watch my xtranormal video! I hope you enjoy it. 
Head in the Clouds

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