Today in class I grouped together with three other students to discuss our blogger sites and how they are coming along, ways we can improve our own, and give feedback to others on their strengths and weaknesses.
The three students that evaluated me were
- Daniel Garcia's Wrong Turn Right Place
- Jennifer DeCruz's In Omnia Paratus
- Isirdo Perez's Multimedia Reporting
Each of them have strengths and weaknesses to their blogs. I wont go into detail about their weaknesses but I will point out each of their strengths and ways I should apply these to my blogger. Without hesitation I feel I could improve on my own blogger without their feedback is my own. I have a lot of information on my side bars but have made no effort to fill them in. You can find me on google+ and I have links to find my blogger so it can be easy to access my account. After I spent some time critiquing my blogger and making it better I gave it a good look today and saw that I have no followers besides my classmates who I'm sure don't even look at my blogger. I have no google+ followers and no one has even read any of my blogs. This needs to change if I want to be a true multimedia Journalist. I need to network myself better.
Strengths about my fellow blogger classmates!
- Wrong Turn Right Place by Daniel Garcia is very artistic and creative
I really like the layout of his blogger. It can be a little confusing on the dates of when he posted his blogs, but that is a very simple fix and its not that confusing. I like the title of his blogger and the way he came up with it. He has written a little poetry in his blogger which is great, it really shows his artistic side.
- In Omnia Paratus by Jennifer DeCruz is beautifully simple which is very much my style
Jennifer helped me figure out how to fix the color on my links. They are in black so it is hard to tell where you can find my links if you are just skimming through my blog. She helped me figure out how to make it pop more. I thank her for that! When I first saw her blogger the first day we reviewed our first blog post I copied her style. I love the simple white background with black print. It just makes everything look clean, simple, and professional with a feminine feel to it. She inspired my blog so I must say hers is my favorite. All of her blogs are up to date and she has very nice writing.
- Mulitmedia Reporting by Isirdo Perez has a title that is very clear and to the point
This makes it easy to find a multimedia blogger. It pops right up and as a reader/visitor to the site we know exactly what he is talking about. I like that he uses the simple layout of his blogger which makes everything easy to see. I will admit I do love my look and style but maybe a little color might help mine pop a little bit more. Isirdo has done this. With his simple blue layout it brings enough life to the blogger but still maintains the simplicity and easy access to the links he has provided.
What I'm going to do to better MeganMelissa Multimedia:
I need to make a bigger effort to get on the web and network
- Research multimedia bloggers on blogger
Get out there and find great multimedia bloggers and FOLLOW THEM
- Reach out and comment on their blogs and ask for feedback on mine
I haven't read anyone's blogger sites and I should start doing that, it will help me connect with everyone in the class in a better, more positive way.
- Find more multimedia links, read the advice, apply it to mine
When I found the multimedia blog sites on the side of my blogger I did not make a big enough effort to actually read all of the content. I should and I will.
- Talk to my classmates on blogger, post comments
Maybe I should start posting discussion boards to help us all get more involved.
- Start discussions with fellow classmates on blogger
Ask others to comment on my writing and how they are taking my blog posts. Am I doing well, ok? Let me know!
- Get more involved at Cerritos College
The last bullet point I think will be the biggest challenge for me. I believe I have mentioned I am a bit of an introverted person and I am new to Cerritos and Cerritos College. I need to spread my wings a bit more and perhaps go to a basketball game here and tweet about its wins and losses. Continue to participate in the Brown Bag meetings. Although I did attend the first one I did not say much while in the meeting. When all eyes are on me I get nervous and blush. I need to work on being a better public speaker because it will reflect in my writing. Making a bigger effort to be informed is crucial to a great Journalist. It is required in this class to be more involved at Cerritos College and I have been on the sidelines. Its time to get my feet wet.