Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It has been a while since I have blogged last. For that, I apologize. My interview with Professor Rigby was very suceessful and I am going to try and get my short interview presentation online as well as the full interview (which is very interesting) here as well.

I wanted to discuss this hot topic that is circulating around the world right now. Bassem Youssef's arrest by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi for making satiric jokes about the presidents rule and authority of Egypt. This is a very big deal for Egypt and for the world to witness the critical situation that is happening in Egypt.

Bassem Youssef is a political satirist and conducts his show in a comedic backdrop that discusses the hot button issues going on in his country. He is often compaired to Jon Stwart and he is a highly favored comedian in Egypt. He stands for the political activists, bloggers, and reporters in Egypt being persecuted by the Egyptian government for speaking out about their surpression.

You can find the full report on every major news station and multimedia website but my main source for this information has come directly from the Los Angeles Times. To see the full report, click here

The comedian was arrested and interrigated Sunday for almost 10 hours about his latest show that pokes fun at the president. He is accused of insulting Islam as well, these accusations made against Youssef are misleading and the citizens of Egypt are outraged by the authorities arrest against him. What seemed like thousands of Youssef's supporters were outside the jailhouse shouting for his release.

Youssef's opinion on the interregation against him are "We are not the ones who insult religion," Youssef told a TV station Saturday. "All we do is expose the channels that have misused religion and harmed it more than anyone else. If there is anyone who has insulted religion, it is those who use Islam as a weapon for political reasons." (LATIMES REPORT)


I brought up this topic for several reasons. It is a hot topic issue right now and it is known throughout the world, there are more updates to come from this, and Bassem Youssef is a political activist. He in a way is a multimedia reporter because he reports on the news within his country, his delivery of the message may be different, but that is the beauty of the multimedia world. It is a means to dilver the news through different outlets.

This situation that has happened has made me realize my personal freedoms as an aspiring reporter. I sometimes have to remember how greatful I am for being a United States citizen. It means that I can write about anything I want and my rights are protected under the constiution. This is something we all know, its not news. But to someone like Bassem Youssef who is being persecuted for his words really makes one think about the things we can sometimes take for granted.

In developing countries like Egypt, freedom of speech is not a privilage they have. There are poeple that fight for that right when we as Americans don't even think about it.

To learn more about Egyptians human rights visit the Amnesty International: Egypt.

1 comment:

  1. http://gucaravel.com/bassem-youssefs-political-satire-misleads-public/#comment-27593
